Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Real Work At Home Ideas for Women

Here Are Some Real Work From Home Ideas For Women...from someone who's been doing this work form home thing for a long time!

Are you ready to make the transition from work-for-a-boss to work-for-yourself? The Internet can be the perfect work from home opportunity for many women!

It's the dream of many - and, unfortunately, the reality of few, but that need not be the case! Being your own boss is not out of reach of the 'average' person - trust me - I am VERY average and have been self-employed for almost 2 decades now.

I started on the work from home path long before the internet came along - back when it took quite a bit of money to actually launch a business of any kind. Mail order companies were the choice of most of us that wanted to run a home based business and it was not only expensive - but slow and time consuming.

The fastest way was to buy or rent a mailing list, and send out your ads by snail mail - and that was at least a $10,000 investment right there - without even knowing if you had a good product or not! The alternative was buying magazine ads - a lot cheaper but with a lead time of several months before the magazine hit the stands - testing your ad or your product could take you a year or more to get it right!

Then - along came the internet and everything changed! Starting a business online can be done quickly, easily and with a minimum of costs, and literally launched and run in a few hours a day - or even a week, if your schedule is that busy.

The bottom line is that if you TRULY want to be self-employed - there are few barriers left to prevent you from starting your own business today - and a lack of money is definitely not one of them. If you have a computer or access to one, and access to the internet - you can soon be on your way to your own online business!

Here are some great Real Work From Home Ideas For Women, and for other women that I know personally:

EBay: Don't laugh - EBay is a lot more than just a giant garage sale these days. Get some experience first by selling those odds and ends around the house, and then get into growth mode by checking out what others are doing to make some big bucks here: dropshipping (don't fall for the services that want a big sign-up fee - it's not necessary!) ebook selling (dig out those family recipes for a nice little e-cookbook?), maybe you have a special craft or art that you can sell? Or maybe you KNOW someone whose work you could sell? Get creative - there are a lot of ways to make money on EBay other than cleaning out your garage!

Blogging for Moola: Yes - blogging can bring in some big dollars these days and can cost you zero to start! You can get a free blog at wordpress.org or blogger.com or many other places online to get started fast and cheap. How to make money? That's pretty easy too with Pay-Per-Click programs like Adsense out there that will pay you whenever a visitor clicks on one of the ads on your site...

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate Marketing is basically selling other people's products (with their permission, of course!) for a share of the sale. This can be done with a blog or website - or simply by advertising the products in different ways online and sending the traffic to the company's website. You can sign up directly with a particular merchant or register with one of the many Affiliate Management companies (and there are lots to choose from) No matter what you might want to sell - you will probably be able to find a product that will fit your needs!

MultiLevel Marketing: MLM has had it's bad press over the years - thanks in large part to the company that launched the concept decades ago with an overzealous 'take captives' sort of approach, but in fact, MLM is a great way to market products and can be a fun and lucrative way to make a living. Companies today are tightly regulated and must adhere to quite a number of very stringent laws to protect both members and customers. It's a business model that is essentially advertising by word of mouth rather than expensive commercial advertising methods (TV, magazines, etc) and sharing that savings with the bodies that are doing the word of mouth ads! Today's companies tend to market more online than the old style 'coffee meetings' and you will find many well-educated professionals involved.

If you really want to work from home - even if you no budget to start a business - ideas are everywhere online!

More Work From Home Ideas For Women!

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